Thank you very much for your paying attention to this email.
I'm one of the citizens living in Japan.
Regarding your map open to the public by your web site,
I found that there were small error expressions in your maps.
So I would like you to recognize them and correct them as mentioned below
as soon as possible.
0. The abbreviation
The left items stand for right items.
er.1---> error No.1
er.N ---> error No.N
map.1 ---> map No.1
ROK ---> Republic of Korea
1. Map(s) in question & description of error(er.1 - er.4)
map.1 has 3 errors. map.2 has 1 error.
map.1: http://mapsofworld.com/south-korea/south-korea-political-map.htm
er.1: "Dok-Do(Liancourt Rocks)" is a wrong expression.
er.2: "JAPAN SEA(EAST SEA)" is a wrong expression.
er.3: The map.1 in question evidently shows that the islets expressed as
"Dok-Do(Liancourt Rocks)" belong to the ROK(Republic of Korea).
map.2: http://mapsofworld.com/japan/japan-outline-map.html
er.4: "Japan Sea (East Sea)(Sea of Japan)" is a wrong expression.
2. Why error ?
Here is the explanation, "why error ?".
er.1: Because the correct expression is "TAKESHIMA".
er.2: Because the correct expression is "Sea of Japan".
er.3: Because the islets in question have belonged to Japan.
Correct graphical map of Takeshima location is shown in
http://www.pref.shimane.jp/section/takesima/eng/take2.html .
Please refer to it.
er.4: Because the correct expression is "Sea of Japan".
3. My claim; my suggestion of correction
Here are the corrections I demand.
The following 4 corrections are must.
As for er.1 of map.1,
please correct of expression from "Dok-Do(Liancourt Rocks)" to "TAKESHIMA".
As for er.2, of map.1,
please correct expression from "JAPAN SEA(EAST SEA)" to "Sea of Japan".
As for er.3, of map.1,
the map must be corrected as it evidently shows that the islets in question
belong to Japanese territory.
As for er.4 of map.2,
please correct expression from "JAPAN SEA(EAST SEA)" to "Sea of Japan"
4. The reason why those errors must be corrected ?
Please see the documents below and you will understand the fact and need
of correction.
4-1. Based on historical facts and international law, it is apparent that
Takeshima is an integral part of Japan's sovereign territory.
Please refer to
http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/takeshima/position.html .
4-2. "Sea of Japan" is the mono-name of the area, recognized internationally.
Please refer to
http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/maritime/japan/pamph0208.pdf .
4-3. Questionable Points in the Claim by ROK
Please refer to section 1,2,3 of
http://www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/GIJUTSUKOKUSAI/nihonkai/position_eng.htm .
5. Special Note for you
Please pay attention to the following facts for your business and fairness.
5-1. ROK's refusal of the islets territory issue discussion
in the international court room
The ROK has refused discussion with fairness, no prejudice, under the
influence of the International Court Of Justice,
which Japanese government has proposed since 1956.
5-2. The ROK has avoided the discussion
on the "Sea of Japan-East Sea naming issue"
Please refer to section .3 "Problems of the Attitude of South Korea" of
http://www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/GIJUTSUKOKUSAI/nihonkai/position_eng.htm .
5-3. Status of the illegal occupation by the Republic of Korea
Here is the quote from
"(1) Since July 1954 to the present, the Republic of Korea has stationed
a number of security guards on Takeshima, the scale of which has continued
to increase year by year, including lodgings, a lighthouse,
a monitoring facility and antenna."
"(2) In November 1997, despite repeated protests by Japan,
a docking facility to enable use by a 500t supply ship was completed.
In December 1998, a manned lighthouse was completed."
5-4. Dual designation breaches the prevailing practice & infringes neutrality
Here is the quote from
http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/maritime/japan/un0406.html .
" the United Nations Secreatariat clarifies its position that it observes
the prevailing practice of the single use of 'Sea of Japan,' explaining
that dual designation breaches the prevailing practice and infringes the
neutrality of the United Nations, and that fairness and neutrality can be
achieved only through the observance of the practice "
5-5. US Reluctant to Use Term 'East Sea' 10-06-2005 19:16
Here is the quote from
http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/nation/200510/kt2005100619140311990.htm .
"U.S. officials said the basic U.S. stance is to continue to
use the name more widely accepted, so they do not foresee
reasons to change the name anytime soon he said. "
This means that your customers from U.S. like the map with the expression
"Sea of Japan" rather than "East Sea".
6. Conclusion
From the above-mentioned web documents in Section 4.,
you have understood that Takeshima has belonged to Japan
and "Sea of Japan" is a correct expression of the water in question.
And as mentioned in 5-1,
all the claim that Takeshima belongs to the ROK has never ever
been recognized with fairness and without prejudice by the
international communities.
And as mentioned in 5-2, the ROK has also refused discussion on
the "SeaofJapan-Dokdo naming issue".
The ROK seems to try to make up de-facto standard before international
discussion by replacing the "Sea of Japan" expression with "East Sea"
in the world maps.
And judging from the fact mentioned in 5-1,5-2,5-3,
we can say the ROK has no intention to solve issues peacefully
by international discussion under the international law.
And 5-4 implies your service may run the risk of being recognized
that your map dishonors United Nations and infringes neutrality
unless proper corrections are made.
And as shown in 5-5,
I must advise that your customers from U.S. do like the map with
the expression "Sea of Japan" rather than "East Sea".
So, I would like you to accept my suggestion and correct the
errors as described in Section 3 of this email as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for reading this long email.
I am looking forward to seeing the reflection of my suggestion in your map.
Hope to see your good service and big success in your business.